The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 21-40 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
21Ибакова Алия ТолегеновнаSchool of a young teacher000008
22Исаева Мадина БахытбековнаSchool of a young teacher000009
23Мусабеков Асанали АрмановичSchool of a young teacher000010
24Мухаметкаиров Арсланбек ЕрболатовичSchool of a young teacher000011
25Мұратқызы АйжанSchool of a young teacher000012
26Ниязбеков Алибек АманбековичSchool of a young teacher000013
27Носкова Елена МихайловнаSchool of a young teacher000014
28Приходченко Илья ОлеговичSchool of a young teacher000015
29Талипова Жадыра ЖанабаевнаSchool of a young teacher000016
30Тулеубаева Асима ТулеугалиевнаSchool of a young teacher000017
31Харина Александра АлексеевнаSchool of a young teacher000018
32Хусаинова Айдана БауржановнаSchool of a young teacher000019
33Абенова Гульдана АнуарбековнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000020
34Айтмагамбетова Марал БейсетаевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000021
35Акижанова Гульмира КыдырбаевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000022
36Алгазинов Наркен КайроллаевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000023
37Алигожина Назгуль РахметолловнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000024
38Аманбаева Айгуль ЕрматовнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000025
39Амирова Марал АкбаевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000026
40Арынова Зульфия АмангельдиновнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000027