The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 61-80 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
61Ляшенко Ирина ИвановнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000048
62Матаева Асыл КамчыбековнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000049
63Мукашева Кунсулу КаирлиевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000050
64Нурбаева Гульмира ЕржановнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000051
65Нургалиева Салтанат ЖакаевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000052
66Оразбекова Айгерим АлтынбековнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000053
67Оспанова Айнагуль КенжешовнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000054
68Павлова Анастасия АлександровнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000055
69Поух Марина МихайловнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000056
70Прокопец Елена ВладимировнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000057
71Рамазанова Назгуль КудайбергеновнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000058
72Рафикова Хабиба ХамидовнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000059
73Салий Тамара МихайловнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000060
74Сатынская Айсулу КабдылмажитовнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000061
75Сейтханова Айнур КусбековнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000062
76Семенова Лариса АлександровнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000063
77Ташимова Айсулу ТолеувнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000064
78Титова Елена ГеннадьевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000065
79Урюмцева Татьяна ИгоревнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000066
80Харченко Светлана ПетровнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000067