The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 41-60 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
41Шалабаев Куандык ЖенисбековичPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093078
42Якимец Екатерина ВладимировнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093042
43Скаков Мейрам КаримовичPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093041
44Айгазинова Самал МуратовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093040
45Темиргалиева Жанар АлтаевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093039
46Пятых Ирина ВасильевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093038
47Досымова Жанар ЗарубековаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093495
48Негманова Каирпану КанапьяновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093037
49Жаксылыков Батырбек ЖолдасовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093533
50Суюсинов Нургали АмангелдиевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093534
51Ұлықпанов Тұрарбек ҰлықпанұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093535
52Исағали Ақылбек СерікұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093536
53Саркулов Максат СактагановичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093537
54Сулейменов Нуржан БеккалиевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093538
55Ғизатов Жанеркін МәлікұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093539
56Нурпеисов Дамир ЕрдаулетовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093540
57Утепов Бахыт ДжубатовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093541
58Матсалаев Айдар ТаңатарұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093542
59Сабыров Нурсултан АлтынбекулыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093543
60Бекниязов Еламан ЖамиевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093544