The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 41-60 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
41Кнауб Александр АндреевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093519
42Оспанов Утеубай НурадиновичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093520
43Темирбаев Адил ЖанатовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093521
44Куандыков Жандос ЕрдикуловичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093522
45Қожақұлы АянPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093523
46Гильманов Мадиар КайратовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093524
47Кидырбаев Сапаргали КазмагамбетовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093525
48Бикбулатов Куаныш КурмангалиевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093526
49Ескаиров Серик ДаулетовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093527
50Досмухамбетов Амангельды ЕрбулатовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093528
51Журперов Темирбек АлимжановичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093529
52Тлеулиев Кадыр АйтисовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093530
53Капизов Болат ЕрмековичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093531
54Некрасов Николай АлексеевечиPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093532
55Негманова Каирпану КанапьяновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space093037
56Жаксылыков Батырбек ЖолдасовичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093533
57Суюсинов Нургали АмангелдиевичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093534
58Ұлықпанов Тұрарбек ҰлықпанұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093535
59Исағали Ақылбек СерікұлыPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093536
60Саркулов Максат СактагановичPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program093537