The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 41-60 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
41Исаева Жанетта БатырхановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000080
42Эннс Елена МихайловнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000107
43Утилова Айгуль МуратовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000105
44Омаров Марат МагзиевичPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000091
45Комардина Любовь СтепановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000085
46Назаренко Татьяна АнтоновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000088
47Омарова Аккенже БердихановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000092
48Айгумусова Динагуль СаянбековнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000073
49Сарбасова Нурбану ДаукеновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000096
50Умурзакова Анара ДаукеновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000104
51Кожиков Саян НыгметуллаевичPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000084
52Ажибаева Жанна КабиденовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000072
53Абишева Гульдана ОлжатаевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000071
54Байбурина Динара ОразаловнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000075
55Бекниязова Дана СайлауовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000077
56Бекбалат Айдар ТемірбекұлыPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000076
57Бошимкулова Ильмира КайратовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000078
58Давиденко Людмила МихайловнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000079
59Ифутина Елена АнатольевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000081
60Кайдарова Анар ТолеутаевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000083