The list of students who received certificates

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Showing 81-100 of 1,415 items.
No.Ф.И.О. слушателяCourse№ certificate's
81Чернышова Ольга ВладимировнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000068
82Шакенова Таттигуль ЖилкибаевнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000069
83Шуленова Асем МанарбековнаPlanning, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program000070
84Абишева Гульдана ОлжатаевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000071
85Ажибаева Жанна КабиденовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000072
86Айгумусова Динагуль СаянбековнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000073
87Альназарова Гульмира ЖанабековнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000074
88Байбурина Динара ОразаловнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000075
89Бекбалат Айдар ТемірбекұлыPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000076
90Бекниязова Дана СайлауовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000077
91Бошимкулова Ильмира КайратовнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000078
92Давиденко Людмила МихайловнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000079
93Исаева Жанетта БатырхановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000080
94Ифутина Елена АнатольевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000081
95Каббасова Айнагуль ТаныбергеновнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000082
96Кайдарова Анар ТолеутаевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000083
97Кожиков Саян НыгметуллаевичPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000084
98Комардина Любовь СтепановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000085
99Морева Наталья ИвановнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000086
100Мукашева Кунсулу КаирлиевнаPedagogical technologies in the modern educational space000087